Reincarnated With A System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 38 Mysterious Girl

I walked slowly and leisurely. This time, I had no need to hide my face and my identity. In fact, I needed it. I was no longer the idiot young master, but the dark horse of the Liu Family. I could flaunt all that I had now.

I smiled as I walked around. This really was therapeutic. I could do whatever I wanted, and until the martial gathering which was in a few days, rest and a little training were all that I needed. I stopped at a store. Something caught my eye. It was a pot, a big pot, but there was something about that smell that threw me off. It felt like this was an alchemist furnace, and it was probably better than even the one that the system provided me.

I stepped in. The shop was mostly empty, except for the shopkeeper, and a girl who as looking around. She was not dressed luxuriously, but had a veil on her head. Like the young lady from the Cai Family. I could tell that it was not her. But this girl had a more mysterious aura surrounding her. Well, she was not my business, and it was rude to stare. I shifted my gaze and crouched in front of the pot.

I caressed my hands on the surface of the pot and looked surprised. There were slight bumps were the runes usually showed, but the bumps were not visible to the naked eye. This was something that I could only sense through the little roughness at the points of the markings. I raised my eyebrows and called upon the shopkeeper.

"Yes, young master? Is there anything that you require?" he asked.

"Where do you get all your things? There must be someplace that you get your stock. Where did this pot come from?" I asked.

"We usually buy in bulk from expeditions, Young master. Not the good stuff. The good stuff goes to all the major shops and auctions. We cannot afford to go against them. But for all those who want to try their luck, this is a place where you can do so. There are a few hidden gems that you can find, and I am sure that there is at least one here. Who knows? Maybe this pot is one." the shopkeeper smiled.

"What expedition did this come from? Where did they go?" I asked.

"They went to the plains around which the ancient Medicine Spirit Sect used to sit. It had collapsed a long time ago. There were many pill furnaces that were found, but this was thought to be a normal pot. Just one that some one used for their herbs to contain. Anyways, it was judged that this was not a pill furnace. It did not react to any of the usual tests." the shop keeper said.

"Alright. I will keep looking. Thank you." I smiled, looking at him.

"Ah, of course." he nodded and left, giving me some privacy.

I looked closer at the pot. I was sure about my intuition. No ordinary pot would be used by actual alchemists to make pills. This was definitely an alchemy furnace. But then why did it not react to any of the tests? Maybe it was something to do with it being too high ranked, and having its own will? I was not sure.

"Looks like you are also an alchemist. I did not think that there would be a young alchemist in this city. I thought that I was the only one." A sweet voice came from behind me.

I rose with shock and turned around.

"And it also looks like you are a skilled martial artist, because I am sure that I would have heard you coming behind me otherwise," I said, smiling.

"That is just a side effect of an art that I am practicing. My footsteps are lighter and hard to hear. It looks like the furnace interests you. Do you wish to purchase it?" the girl asked.

"Yes. I think I will. Now that I can see there is competition, I will not push fate. I will take this furnace, no matter the price." I said with a loud voice so that the shop keeper could listen.

"There is no need to worry. This furnace is not fated to me. I already have one for me at home, and it is bound to last a long time." she smiled. I could see that she smiled through the veil.

"I wonder which monster would force such a young and beautiful girl to go to alchemy? It is too brute a task for such a noble person. I can see from your bearings that you are of a high clan. Why alchemy?" I asked, curious.

"Alchemy is only for those who are destined. I am destined. Hence, I took up the task. It seems that you are also destined, so you also took up the task. It seems that I recognize you as well. Aren\'t you Liu Feng? The infamous young master of the Liu Family?" she asked as she took a step back.

"Oh, I know that I have a notorious reputation here. I don\'t think that I can get rid of it anytime soon. But do not worry, I am not the same person, and I am sure that you do not need to be defensive against me. I am not so much an idiot to try and molest a girl who is more powerful than me." I chuckled.

"And you know that how?" she asked.

"Because I could not hear you coming behind me. I dare not say that I am the strongest in my realm, but I sure as hell have good senses. If you were at my level, then I would have sensed you. But you are far above my level. The only question that remains. Are you participating in the martial gathering? Because if you are, then I might as well quit while I am ahead. I know that I have no chance if everyone is at your level." I said, shaking my head.

"Do not worry, Young Lord of the Liu Family. How about this? If you meet me at the martial gathering, then I shall do you the favor of quitting. But I want something in exchange." the girl asked.

"You want something in exchange? What is it?" I asked.

"I have heard that you have a marriage contract with the young lady of the Bai Family. I am indebted to the family, and it is their wish that you dissolve this contract." she said.

"Oh well. That was bound to happen anyways. The mistakes that I have made in the past cannot be wiped away. I do not want to force a girl who does not want to marry me into doing so. I would have done that either way, so it looks like I got a good deal. Good day to you." I said, as I touched the alchemy furnace. I sucked it into the spatial ring and flicked a few gold coins at the shop keeper.

"This should cover it." I said as I headed over to leave.

"You are very different from what I have heard about you, Liu Feng. I look forward to meeting you in the martial gathering." she said.

"You know who I am. Is it not fair that I know who you are?" I asked at the departing young lady.

"Bai Zhiqui"


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