Kingdom's Bloodline

Chapter 652 Up for sale

"I see," Thales sighed, "The Emerald City is far more than a city, it is a piece of history, a century of history."

Wanfang has its own shape.

The kingdom is far more complicated than he thought.

The prince is out of magical way:

“At a certain angle, it is even more complete, special, brilliant, and more invulnerable than Yongxing City.”

The moonlight dimmed, and it seemed that the brightly-lit Kongming Palace descended like a divine envoy, waving its huge arms up to the ground, resisting Qianjun and protecting the world.

And they are standing on this giant arm now, feeling the gathering light of more than a century of past, turning into the lights of thousands of households, gathered at the feet of the gods, illuminating the entire Emerald City and even the South Bank.

"It\'s true."

Jean\'s mouth bends slightly, he leaned on the stone fence and looked at the city of queens in front of him with Thales.

"And you can\'t imagine, in this century, in order to make the Emerald City what it is now, every generation of the Iris family has shown how much courage and what price it has paid."



Thales frowned, lost in thought.

A few seconds later, the curvature of the corners of Jayne\'s mouth disappeared.

"Unless the **** year repeats itself, resorts to military disasters and wars, or disaster strikes, and repeats the old events of Longxiao City, I really can\'t imagine what other means can be used to defeat this seamless and impeccable in the star kingdom overnight. The city of queens to drive Kevin Deere from the throne of the duke."

The year of blood, wars.

Disasters, old things in Longxiao City.

Tyles\' breathing was stagnant, and the scene of the Night of Dragon Blood appeared in front of him.

but not.

Thales denies himself with all his strength:


This is not Exeter.

He won’t.

But—the voice in my heart calmly reminded him—when you were in Longxiao City, you also thought so: Impossible.

That is your father, the king of iron fists.

Are you sure?

Thinking of this, Thales only felt his back numb.

And if...

If that day...

Thales did not dare to think any further.


The next moment, the lord of the Emerald City turned around, and the words were all chill:

"This makes me even more uneasy."

Jane stared at Thales, his tone fluctuating infrequently:

"Extremely disturbed."

Thyls frowned:

"You mean..."

"Tels, do you think these facts that even we can find and see," the voice of the Duke of South Bank was anxious and restrained, like an archer who drew a full bow and persisted in trembling, "Revival The owner of the palace, your father, the iron-fisted king, His Majesty Kessel V—would he not know?"

The King of Iron Fists.

Thales\' expression changed.

Facts that even we can discover...

Will he not know?

This sentence was like a thunderstorm, which awakened the prince from the lights in front of him.

The building was high and the wind was raging, and Jen\'s robe was blown with crackling noises, and it suddenly overshadowed the singing and dancing behind him.

"But..." Thales spoke subconsciously.

The Duke took his words, still overlooking the city ruled by the family for generations in the cold autumn breeze:

"But he, our supreme king, still sent you to the Emerald City."

"Send to the city of queens."

At that moment, looking at Jen\'s eyes, Thales suddenly felt a sense of horror, and even got goose bumps.

He is right.

The voice in my heart faintly sounded:

That is your father.

The supreme ruler of the kingdom.

Maybe he can’t get everything right.

But he is not aimless.

Think about Longxiao City.

Think of the Blade Ya camp.

"So, I know that this is a copper wall and iron wall, easy to defend and difficult to attack."

Jean stared at the town below him, and his words trembled:

"But your father is still so confident and decisive?"

"What exactly is he going to do? What means is there to subvert Kevin Deere\'s centuries-old rule and take away this indestructible city?"

The cold wind is getting stronger and stronger, and Jen\'s tone is getting colder and colder.

"Or, the king has already calculated the bargaining chips and is ready, even if he pays unimaginable costs and sacrifices, he will lay down millions of corpses and shed blood for thousands of miles to lay down this special city?"

Thales saw Jain like this for the first time.

At this moment, the Duke of South Bank was like a warrior alone against a thousand armies. He gritted his teeth tremblingly, and raised the last sword.

Or, try your best to fight to the death.

Or, for dignity, turn the sword to...

At that moment, looking at the man in front of him, Thales suddenly understood something.


The Duke of South Bank was slightly startled: "What did you say?"

the same.

Tels said to himself silently:

He and I are the same.

"What you feel is not upset."

The prince turned away from the watchtower and slowly said, “It’s fear. It’s when you realize that you are facing the Supreme King-fear.”


Jen\'s voice still contains doubts.

Thyls looked back, surely:

"Yes, trust me, I know it very well."


The voice in my heart was very fearful and vigilant towards Thales:

You know.

you know.

You know too well.

Jean\'s expression moved slightly, and his eyes looked at Thales differently.

"Then have you overcome it?"

The owner of the iris flower whispered: "Or, you still feel that kind of fear all the time?"

At that moment, the prince\'s eyes were extremely complicated.

Thales did not reply.

He stood on the viewing platform of Kongming Palace, as if falling into the huge and broad palm of the divine envoy.

Climb high and look into the distance.

was devastated by the cold wind.

Sturdy foothold.

but there is no way to escape.

After a long while, Thales exhaled.

"Let\'s put it this way, yes, compared to Yongxing City, Emerald City is not much worse, and in some places it is even worse."

Tels thumped the stone fence in front of him, his palm hurting.

"But I have a faint feeling that it still lacks something—something that only the person sitting on the highest throne of the stars can possess, use, and sow."

Jane reveals a question:

"You mean... the authority of the Supreme King?"

Thales shook his head:

"I don\'t know, and I can\'t say it clearly. I\'m like you, I don\'t know what he will do."

Jane\'s eyes flickered.

"But, Jen, really," the prince looked at him and said sincerely, "He will give you the most unpredictable and unexpected blow."

"And you have to plan for the worst and the worst."

The worst and worst plan.

Jen was quiet for a few seconds.

"What do you want?" The Emerald City Lord suddenly said.

"What?" Duke Xinghu frowned.

Jean took a deep breath and turned around:

"I know you don\'t like your father. But you don\'t want him to do what he wants just because of this, so you help me for no reason."

Thyls came to understand, some doubts:

"I thought we were done..."

Jane interrupted him: "No, Thales, let\'s be honest: You and I just made peace, but we didn\'t cooperate, and we were not an alliance."

The Duke of South Bank narrowed his eyes:

"I don\'t believe that you really want to help me. Of course, I dare to say that you don\'t even believe me.

"You are just using me, even your father: The Duke of Xinghu watched the fire from the other side and waited until the king\'s blade fell, until the blood of the Emerald City ran all over the land, so that he could claim compensation and ask for the price."

Thales\' expression moved.

To be sold.

Heavenly asking prices.

So, Jen thought that I was only cooperating with him out of greed?

"So, make an offer, Thales-what do you want?"

At this moment, the Duke of South Bank in front of him is extremely cold.

"At the very last moment, what price would you want to offer a helping hand to stop your father, instead of just sitting on the sidelines and even getting to the bottom?"

Make an offer...

What kind of price...

will stop your father...

For some reason, Thales suddenly remembered the paragraph in the "covenant."

【Those who betray this alliance, all betray their relatives and leave. 】

【The flame burns the body, the soul breaks the prison river. 】

such a pity.

The voice in my heart sounded again, with irony:

Unfortunately, Thales, you have made your choice.

Thinking of this, Thales clenched the "covenant."


Now, is the real choice?

Tyles looked at Kevin Deere’s master.

Jean also stared at the prince firmly.

"Me," Thales said softly, "What I want..."

King Kessel’s words reverberated in his ears:

【Depose the Duke and destroy Jayne. 】

Destroy Jayne...

"My Lord Duke?"

A soft call, the two confronting each other back to reality.

Tyles and Jannziqi turned around: Ashford, the butler, stood behind them, smiling apologetically.

In his eyes, the two dukes only stopped for a moment, then both turned their heads, revealing ritual smiles.

Perfect posture, impeccable.

"Zero hour is almost here."

Ashford whispered, and at the same time glanced at the hookah beside the Duke.

The two reacted and looked at each other.

"Of course," Jane took a deep breath and patted the smoke-smelled front, "Excuse me, your lord, I have to prepare first and announce the start of the emerald celebration."

Tels also smiled and motioned for him to take a step first.

The Duke of South Bank was not unkind, and immediately moved to the lounge. Ashford saluted Thales and followed dutifully.

Tyles lowered his head: beside the observation deck, the hookah stood alone in place.

As if it has always been like this.

Another cold wind blew, Thales could not help but shiver.

Worryingly, he turned and left the observation deck, but did not want to join the banquet anymore, so he turned to the hallway, but before he took a few steps, two familiar figures floated out from the side hall and stopped in front of Thales. .

"His Royal Highness Thales!"

"This is a coincidence!"

Tels sighed heavily, frustrated and exhausted.

"Kasha, Kina, meet again again."

He reluctantly looked back for a savior-where is Mira? Mallos? Glover?

It’s really not good, can D.D also work?

After Miranda’s baptism, the Karabyan sisters were a little embarrassed and tired. They blinked their eyes, giving a strange sense of cunning:

"You are looking for a wicked woman, right?"

"She, now she is the man of the banquet!"

"Men are vying to please her, women are rushing to win her..."

"Well, maybe you can\'t get out for a while?"

"It\'s worth noting that we have tried our best and deliberately..."

"Go and ask where the two customers on the grassland come from..."

"Therefore to provoke them to fight..."

"In order to create opportunities for her to show off her skills..."


Tels\' brows twitched.

"Ah, oops, sister, you missed your mouth!"

"Ah, it\'s not good, sister, why don\'t you remind me!"

"Because I missed the mouth first!"

"Ah, it makes sense, I blamed you!"

"Now what?"

"Cough cough, it doesn’t matter, look at him, it’s silly to apply it, I shouldn’t understand..."

"I heard it!" Thales protested loudly, "And I understand it!"

The expressions of the two sisters changed and they smiled:

"My lord, those details are not important!"

"Anyway, now..."

Kasha and Kina looked at each other, and they raised their eyebrows:

"You are ours!"

Thales sighed heavily.

"I\'m sorry, but I really don\'t feel in the mood to pester you..."

He waved his hand and continued walking, but Sister Karabyan jumped up and down with her skirt, catching up with him from both sides.

"It\'s okay, Your Highness!"

"We won\'t pester you anymore!"

"Although it is two hundred and twenty-four gold coins."

"But after all, there is a premium, and I didn\'t lose too much."

"Although Karabyan has poor land and financial constraints."

"But we have always lived frugally and survived."

"Although the heir is hopeless, he is born stubborn and stupid."

"Oh, there is no excuse for this, I can only admit it."

Katha shook her head: "But, Your Highness, if you can\'t be a couple, you can at least make a deal!"

Qina winked playfully: "Yes, you can\'t be friends, at least you can do a business--ah! Sister, what are you doing with me!"

"Sister, I\'m sorry, I thought you were going to talk about being a friend!"

"Hey, sister! Your words are so dirty!"

"What about my idea?"

"Hehe, I really like it!"

"Ahem," Thales had to cough heavily, interrupting the two who were shaking shyly, "Sorry, I\'m going to the toilet now..."

But Kai\'Sa and Kina followed him with a snooze, confident:

"Your Highness!"

"We saw you and the Duke have an affair!"

"Communicate privately!"

"I saw you dating him too!"

"Appointment and meeting!"

Thyls looked weird and quickened his pace.

Sister Karabyan put away her smile, mysteriously:

"So, we know what you are coming for!"

"All for politics, all for kingship!"

Thales was startled.


He looked at the direction where Jen was leaving, and then at the words "Stupid to Grandma\'s House" on their fans, frowned:

"What do you know?"

Kasha\'s eyes flashed: "First of all, we know that you didn\'t come here for a blind date!"

Qina raised her eyebrows: "Anyway, that bitch—not good enough for you?"

"You certainly didn\'t come here to travel!"

"Otherwise, I won\'t be so poor..."

Thyls\'s brow beats.

"Because you offended Dad soon, you were blasted out of Everstar City!"

"In the country where birds don’t shit, life is tight!"

"Want to break each copper into two halves!"

Thyls frowned firmly: "Uh, that, don’t believe the rumors or spread the rumors..."

The next second, the smiles of Sister Karabyyan disappeared!

"But we know..."

"we know!"

"You are a prince."

"You are a star!"

"You are the future heir to the throne."

"The future helm of the kingdom!"

"You will not be willing to be plain."

"Also meticulously and calmly!"

"You are accumulating strength."

"Revived with a plan!"


Thales looks awkwardly at the left: Kai\'Sa is filled with indignation.

He glanced to the right again with a complicated mood: Kina\'s eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"Did you misunderstand what--"

"There is no misunderstanding, this is too clear, Your Highness," Kaisha said coldly, "You take in the daughter of the criminal minister in the north, the wicked wife of the Arund family!"

"And Paul the ‘Silly Lion’ from Bozdorf, that pretentious little staid!" Kina showed her sharp sharp eyes.

"No--" Thales changed his expression, wanting to explain.

"You still endured humiliation, surrendered, and made good friends with Karabyan\'s heir!"

"Although you may be disappointed, because the silly brother Cohen is a foolish man!"

"Now, just now, you still gave up your previous complaints, regardless of hatred, and negotiated with the Duke of South Bank in private!"

In the next second, Kai\'Sa pressed her hands on her chest and sighed deeply:

"Ah, wanderer of Yongxing City, how lonely you are!"

Qina bit her lips tightly, her eyes sparkling:

"All in all, just to regain the rights and interests of Canstar!"

"For this, you vowed to make some impressive results."

"You can fight against the father in the Fuxing Palace!"

"You want to win the advantage of the alliance of the princes of the six realms."

"Will you marry a bitch, betray yourself!"

"Poor love and politics, the two sides departed!"

"The pillow at night, full of tears!"

"Wait, wait, I\'ve seen this paragraph," Thales\'s facial features are tangled together, "It\'s the line of "The Cutter Seizes the Palace"——"

But Karabyan’s twins did not give him a chance at all.

"no doubt……"

"You travel everywhere to make friends with the world!"

"Your banner, it will eventually stand high!"

"Patience with the humiliation, the ambition is obvious!"

"Youth aspirations, live up to the blood of the emperor!"

"What?" Thales tried hard to keep up with the opponent\'s logic.

But the expressions and movements of Kai\'Sa and Kina changed again, their limbs trembled, and the atmosphere was tragic and inexplicable.

"But yo..."

"But ah!"

"Your opponents are full of people!"

"Your crisis has not stopped!"

The twins waved together, one left and one right, one high and one low:

"The hope of the kingdom..."

"Can Star\'s Fate!"

The two sisters changed positions tacitly, and in turn waved their hands again:

"The blood of the throne!"

"The sinister court!"

I saw Kai\'Sa\'s fan flicked, her expression alert:

"Enemies from the dark, they spread rumors and slander your heroic experience in the north!"

Qina shook her head with a fist, heartbroken:

"The little guys lurking in the gutter, they talked about it, maliciously speculating about your true purpose of coming to the South Bank!"

Thales\' brows twitched: Huh?

"They confuse the crowd, saying that you are not worthy of that bitch—the beautiful and lovely Ms. Hille!"

"They have a bad conscience. It is said that you and Duke Jen are hostile to each other, and they want to die first!"

"They want to drive you out of the Emerald City!"

"Boom out of the South Bank collar!"

Tyles took a deep breath, then spit out in pain, decided to accept his fate and lie down, giving up his defense.

"Fortunately..." Kai\'Sa\'s eyes were sharp.

"Fortunately!" Kina said coldly.

"By your side, there is Kai\'Sa!"

"And Kina!"

"Which one has a long way to go!"

"The young man will eventually become the king!"

Thyls, who had given up his defense and only regarded himself as a dead fish, was taken aback:


I saw the two sisters look at each other, one stretched out his left hand, the other stretched out his right hand, categorically speaking in unison:

"We help you, Your Highness!"

Katha is full of confidence:

"Fight back against these rumors: you are not a northern barbarian no one wants!"

Qina\'s eyes shined:

"Find out these opponents and let them go to **** one by one!"

"Show your royal style and advance and retreat with us!"

"Set up your star banner and spread the authority of the prince!"

"Improve your status: proud of the Emerald City!"

"Show your honor: the queen comes from the Walla collar!"

"Ah, sister, you missed your mouth again!"

"Ah, this is not counted, this is not counted..."

Sister Karabyan cleared her throat and looked like she had to bear the humiliation:

"Anyway, Your Highness, don\'t be afraid!"

"Even if you are against the world, we are not afraid!"

"Two, wait a minute!" Thales raised his hand quickly, doubting, "No—why should I be an enemy of the world?"

Kasha and Gina both trembled.

"It\'s okay, Your Highness..."

They covered their mouths and looked at each other.

"It\'s okay, Prince..."

The twins took a deep breath, full of hope and touch, and nodded:

"We help you!!!"

Looking at the two sisters with hopeful faces in front of them, Thales\' expression went dark.

I knew it.

"Uh, thank you for your reminder, thank you," Thales trot, "It\'s just that I have a date with Duke Jen..."

"But your highness!"

Kasha and Kina lifted their skirts and quickly followed:

"In the Emerald City, we can give you many things..."

"a lot of!"

"To realize your political ambitions!"


"That **** is nothing good anyway..."

"Except for a good brother..."

"It\'s so jealous!"

"Although the last name is Kevin Deere, but behind the **** is full of rumors..."

"It is said that it is still a deformed monster..."

"Unlike some of the better choices, it is reserved and dignified, virtuous and gentle..."

"I also include a silly brother who points to where to play..."

At this moment, when Thales was infinitely melancholy, a bunch of black and strange hair fell suddenly from the ceiling!


The twins yelled, jumped back a big step, and hugged each other in an instant.

A withered and terrifying human head slowly emerged from his long hair.

Tyles frowned as he looked at his head trembling like a living creature:

"Do it again?"

This time, Kai\'Sa and Kina were clearly prepared. The sisters hugged each other for a while and trembled, finally mustering the courage:

"Don\'t panic, sister, fake!"

"Don\'t panic, sister, it must be fake!"

"Hmm, don\'t panic, don\'t be afraid, don\'t cry!"

The two sisters bravely pointed to the head in their hair, gritted their teeth:

"Wisdom is on the left!"

"Long sword to the right!"


"One left and one right ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-"

Amid the fright of Kai\'Sa and Kina, Thales\' eyelids twitched:

A servant ran from behind with a tray, accidentally knocked Kai\'Sa and Kina down, and the tray fell to the ground with a loud noise.

"You—you don’t look at the road when you walk!"

The sudden accident involved Kai\'Sa\'s attention, and she no longer paid attention to the head on her long hair.

Qina also burst into tears with pain:

"Yes, you don\'t have eyesight!"

The servant was panicked. He got up, too scared to say anything, but bowed again and again.

"It\'s okay, Kai\'Sa, Kina..."

Tels hurriedly helped the twins up, but he didn’t wait for him to say anything more——

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah -"

Amidst the horrified screams of Sister Karabyan, Thales covered his ears in pain.

The next second, Kai\'Sa and Kina turned around and took a step, but they made a splash, and both fell face down.

"Oops! My left shoe!"

"Not good! My right shoe!"

The two sisters turned their heads and found the key in the trembling:

"They are tied together!"

"Damn it!"

"Hey, that\'s just a prank, can you calm down--" Thales gritted his teeth and turned to look at the dry head in his long hair, but inadvertently, among the shadowy lights, he saw the servant clearly.

I saw the servant bowing continuously, and before falling together, his face was illuminated by the candlelight, and his lips were exposed.


The boy was stunned.


In the trembling candlelight, the servant finally stopped bowing.

He raised his head.


Tels breathed for a while.


He reacted with an empty brain.

The skin of this person\'s face is smooth.

No ears.

No eyes.

No nose.

is empty.

Only one mouth.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah -"

Ka\'Sa and Kina screamed again.

(End of this chapter)

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