Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 306 306 - A Momentary Decision

"Goodbye uncle, eats healthy and sleep well,"\' he said closing the door.

Fan reached out to hold his hand but he restrained himself.

"What made him like that... poor man must have been under so much stress. Fan you have to help him out. Now you are under control. You have to help him out as much as you can, okay?"

"I will,"

They walked down to the corridor when suddenly a small figure darted in front of them. the child banged into Yue, almost pushing him down.

Yue\'s lemur skill snapped in and he jumped onto Fan\'s body like a climbing pole.

"Whoa, you good there?" Fan grabbed his lover\'s ass steadying him.

Yue was more focused on the child. It was Zi Chen. Looking at him now he suddenly remembered. This child was motherless.

That bitch Liwei killed his mother and three other space ability users and extracted their cores.

"Fuck..." he cursed under his breath and jumped down from Fan\'s hold. "Zi Chen? Hey buddy, how have you been?"

Sniffling, he wiped at his eyes vigorously.

"Oh no, you must not do that. it will hurt your eyes. it will make an Ouchi," he moved his hands away and gently wiped his tears away. "Why is little Zi Chen crying hmm....."

"my mum.. she.. she... is gone..."

Yue froze. \'How did he know.. fuck someone must have told him...\'

Presently there was a small rescue center for young parentless kids on the second floor of the barracks. Someone from there must have informed Zi Chen about his mother\'s demise.

" you said you\'ll find mum.. Why is she in her back to earth.. I want her..." he sobbed silently.

Yue pulled him into a hug. His small body was cold and he was thinner than before. He had to calm this kid somehow. Crying so much was not good for him. "Heaven, you say. I head it\'s a very nice place with cotton candy clouds and river of chocolate.. yummy,"

He glanced up. "is it..."

"yes, it\'s an amazing place. Here on earth, she didn\'t get food right?"

He nodded hesitantly.

"Up there in heaven she\'ll get a lot of food and chocolates.. You don\'t want your mum to come down here and starve right?"

Zi Chen pouted. "I\'m here... I\'m fed... mum can come down and eat with me…."

"But a person who has already tasted heaven\'s food will starve on earth."

His bottom lip trembled... "Oh.. I don\'t want her to starve. But I want to be with her.... can I go to her?"

"oh no, only older people are allowed."

"What?" he wiped his snot on his shirt. "Can I go.. when I\'m old..."

"There are conditions," Yue sat down and pulled him onto his lap. "Firstly, you must live well, eat well and sleep well. Secondly, you must brush your teeth and bathe every day. Thirdly, you must be older than me to enter heaven. Then you can meet her, swim the river of chocolate and enjoy all the food together,"

The kid stopped crying and was thinking for a bit. "It\'s a long wait..."

"But strong Zi Chen can do it. I know for sure," he tickled his tummy.

Zi Chen nodded. "I\'m strong.... I\'ll follow rules...and be good just like I did for Santa,"

"Good boy," Yue gently caressed his black hair. "You\'re doing so well, Chen ah. This world is cruel but you must fight against it. You must survive."

"I will," he said with a small fist. "Brother, that uncle is older.. Why isn\'t he in heaven,"

Fan Xui took a deep breath and sighed. Being called uncle was already damage to his pride but being called old was even more saddening. He started to think about his public image a lot more. He combed his hair down and made it look like he was a young man.

"Why isn\'t he in heaven," Zi Chen repeated tugging at Yue\'s sleeves

Yue blinked. Sometimes children scared him not because of his past trauma with zombie kids but because of their intellect. They caught things too fast. He did not know how to answer this question at all. He looked up at Fan for help with a pout.

Fan gently caressed Yue\'s head. "Adults like me and Yue always visit heaven every night in bed. You will too when you are as old as me,"

"Fan!" he slapped his thighs. "You can\'t tell a child that!"

"I\'m only telling the truth."

"Gosh seriously, Zi Chen don\'t listen to him. He\'s wrong. I will not go to heaven because he\'s not old yet. When he has white hair and wrinkles all over that\'s when he\'s going there,"

"Oh okay," the kid obediently nodded.

"Here you were," one of the handlers came running. she was from the rescue center below. "Fuck, you run off every chance you get!" the young girl lifted him up roughly.

Zi Chen did not like being held so he wiggle around until she let him down.

She gave him a dirty look and a loud sigh. "just come here," she dragged him away.

The little kid sadly glanced back and waved.

Yue watched this frozen.

Something stirred in him. "Wait!" he ran to her.

"What? I don\'t have time to waste."

"Give me him.."


Yue cleared his mind. "Can we keep him?"

The girl just blinked. "He\'s not a dog."

"Sorry let me rephrase, is he up for adoption?"

"Yea, all kids are. You have to fill a form and submit it to the office," she continued, dragging him.

"Wait I\'ll adopt him now!"

"Sir it\'s protocol. Go fill out the form and wait!"

Zi Chen bit the woman and ran to Yue. "I\'ll go with beauty brother."

"You brat come here. It\'s bed time and I have a lot of shit to take care of,"

Yue pulled the kid behind him. "That\'s why I said I will take him,"

Fan Xui walked over to him and stood above that short woman. "My lover said we are taking him. Come Yue," he grabbed Yue\'s clothed arm and pulled him away.

The little kid tagged behind them showed ridiculous expressions to that woman.

Fan gently pinched his cheeks. "Cheeky,"

"She pinches and steals food. I don\'t like her," he mumbled pushing his hand away.

Yue stopped and looked at Fan. His eyes were wide, like a deer caught in headlight. "I... I guess we are dads?"

It was a momentary decision. He did not want that kid to end up with the same fate as he did in his last life. He wanted to see the kid grow.

Hell, he did not even like kids. He was petrified of them. Especially small ones like Zi Chen.

\'I don\'t know if I\'m capable of raising another human.....\' he looked at Fan blinking.

Fan Xui just hugged him. "no take-backs."


"You said I was his other dad. So no take-backs." He hugged him tightly.

The little kid bumped into their legs and hugged them as well. "why is beauty brother red.." he whispered pointing to Yue\' face.

"Because your beauty brother is very much in love..." Fan kissed his pink cheeks.

Grabbing Yue\' waist in one hand and hold the kid\'s hand in another he led them to the gate. "Let\'s go home,"

"Yes uncle~"

"I\'m dad. Not uncle,"

"Okay uncle."

"Father.." Fan tried again.

"Uncle." Zi Chen repeated.

A sighing Fan gave up. "He\'s bullying me Yue..."

Yue just shrugged. "You deserve that uncle."

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