How To Survive as a Villain

Chapter 121: It Must Be That You Heard Wrong.

The last thing he remembered was falling into the arms of someone, before falling unconscious. And even though he still couldn’t believe it, the person who prevented him from falling on the ground was indeed Xiao YuAn.

At that moment, the door creaked and Third Aunt walked in carrying medicine. When she saw Yan HeQing sitting up, she shouted: “Oh my, Gongzi you’ve finally woken up. Quick, drink this bowl of medicine.” Right after she said that, Third Aunt handed the medicinal soup to Yan HeQing.

After receiving the medicinal soup, and thanking her, Yan HeQing asked: “You are….?”

“Ah, you can call me Third Aunt. I’m sort of the old maidservant here.” Third Aunt said.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Yan HeQing looked at her and asked: “May I ask, is…. is the Master of this residence married?” He said with a faint hope, like a little spark shining among the ashes, extremely unwilling to disappear.

Third Aunt thought that he was asking about Yang LiuAn and Xiao Fengyue, so she replied: “Why are you asking about this after just waking up, Gongzi? Even though they haven’t officially married, they’re indeed a couple, and they’re very much in love!”

Yan HeQing’s eyes completely darkened, looking like a dead man, like a lifeless piece of wood. After what it felt like a long time, he hmmmed in response.

“Gongzi, quickly drink the medicine.” Third Aunt urged him.

Yan HeQing numbly hmmmed again, drank the medicine and then returned the bowl. After that, Third Aunt told him something, but Yan HeQing didn’t hear her; nor did he realize at what point she walked out of the wing room.

Yan HeQing waited until the night was quiet, and slowly propped himself up, silently walking towards the door.

He had to go, he must leave this place.

Yan HeQing knew that he couldn’t stay, since he was afraid. Afraid of Xiao YuAn smiling at him one more time. Because he would rather hurt Xiao YuAn than forcibly tie him to his side.

The night breeze was cool, gently blowing Yan HeQing’s black silk-like hair. The courtyard of the residence was silent, and the moonlight falling from the sky illuminated everything on the ground. Yan HeQing took two steps, when suddenly, he heard someone talking.

Just a moment ago, Xiao YuAn was tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep.

Xiao YuAn hasn’t yet been cured of this disease, which made him unable to sleep without the sound of breathing around him. Usually, he would sleep in the same room with Xie Chungui, so he didn’t have to worry about this problem affecting his sleep.

And now that Xie Chungui had traveled to the Western Shu Kingdom to cure his illness, Xiao YuAn couldn’t sleep alone. At the same time, he happened to have Yan HeQing’s feelings on his mind, so now he wasn’t even able to take a rest. His mind was full of thoughts about what to do in the near future.

After thinking about it for a long time, by the time the moon rose above the willows, Xiao YuAn rolled over, sat up, and dressed himself; deciding to go out for a walk.

At night, the sound of the crickets was relaxing. Xiao YuAn sat down close to a rock beside the millstone, pulled a piece of grass to put into his mouth, and leaned back with his arms crossed behind his head, acting as a pillow. However, as soon as he leaned back, he heard a voice coming from outside the courtyard. That voice sounded extremely familiar, and he knew at once that the one talking was Zhang Baizhu.

Shouldn’t Zhang Baizhu be asleep by now? What is he doing here, in the middle of the night?’ After Xiao Yuan thought inside his mind, he got up and walked towards where he thought the voice was coming from.

“Really? Do you really want to marry me? I’ll ask the matchmaker from the west side of the village to come propose marriage1 tomorrow!!!” Zhang Baizhu’s voice couldn’t hide his excitement.

Xiao YuAn was in a daze. His mind was wondering what was all this about, when suddenly, he heard another person’s voice.

It was Lin Shenling’s voice!

Lin Shenling said in a low voice: “Baizhu, wouldn’t it be better to hold off on the marriage proposal?”

Zhang Baizhu didn’t understand: “Why?”

Lin Shenling said: “I’m now regarded as a maidservant in this house. Moreover, I have a humble status, how could I afford a marriage proposal?”

Zhang Baizhu said angrily: “Why are you degrading yourself again?!”

Lin Shenling said softly: “How can this be degrading myself? It’s the truth. If Xiao-gongzi hadn’t bought me, I’d be in a brothel by now. I’m very fortunate to be called a maidservant at all.”

Zhang Baizhu replied: “Xiao YuAn definitely doesn’t see you as a maidservant!”

Lin Shenling’s smile didn’t decrease: “Xiao-gongzi doesn’t think of me like that, but I have to put my gratitude in mind. I owe him my life, shouldn’t I repay him by being a loyal servant?”

Xiao YuAn couldn’t bear hearing any more and yelled: “Don’t involve me anymore! Here’s 9 yuan for each of you, so go get your marriage certificate2 as soon as possible!”

Ohohoho so Third Aunt actually knows that YLA and XFY are a couple !! But noooo YHQ is hurt thinking that XYA is rlly “in love” with LSL…

But wait… did he heard ZBZ and LSL discussing THEIR wedding?

Hohohoho, wait till Wednesday to find out! (*^∀゚)ъ


  1. 提亲 tí qīn; The marriage proposal begins with a discussion of the possibility of a match, which was initiated by the matchmaker. Traditionally, the discussions of a marriage began with a proposal by the matchmaker from the bridegroom’s side, which was carried out by giving a dowry through the matchmaker to the bride’s family. After the bride’s family accepted the dowry, the matchmaker would report the good news to the bridegroom’s family.
  2. Before 2015 if a couple wanted to get married they had to pay a fee of 9 yuan to get the marriage certificate, nowadays, the marriage certificate is free, and the ‘9 yuan’ joke was created. Couples would joke like “I’ll pay the 9 yuan, so let’s get married!”.

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