Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 62 4: Another Amazing Move

Li Shimin, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Ba Fenghan, and Hou Xibai, five men stood on the plaza outside the council hall, they all looked up at the enchanting starry sky as if agreed by chance.

Kou Zhong spoke emotionally, “No wonder Shigong is fascinated by the night, it is indeed more mysterious than the daytime. The strangest thing is that in the daytime the sky is empty and fluttering, there are only blue sky and white clouds. When the sun is shining brightly, it is even more difficult to open your eyes. But when the night descends, unexpectedly so many stars appear, like deities lining up in the sky, silently watching our human world. It is such a fantastic thing.”

Xu Ziling could not help thinking of Shi Qingxuan; is someone’s home really a certain star in the night sky?

Li Shimin sighed and said, “When I was a child, I was always full of reverie and longing for the stars in the sky, but when I grew up, I became apathetic to, or maybe lost my interest in, the beautiful night sky. All I know is the army camp and military service, losing myself in the mundane world of the living. This moment Shaoshuai reminded me, I suddenly feel a sense of lost and missing all of these things.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Ba Fenghan nodded and said, “This is perhaps the price of growing up, losing the child’s innocence and fantasy! Now whenever I look up at the night sky, I always think about my own affair, or a certain difficult problem in the way of the sword.”

Smiling bitterly, Hou Xibai said, “My situation is more or less similar to Lao Ba’s, except that he is thinking about swords, while I am writing poetry and painting, committing all the chronic problems of destitute and grieving scholars.”

Hearing that, the crowd burst into laughter.

Composing himself, Li Shimin said to Kou Zhong, “It’s almost time! Remember not to aim to achieve the best possible result, but rather try to avoid making mistakes.”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “Don’t worry, since my debut, I have never experienced full of confidence as I am here and now, feeling that my life and future are all in the palm of my hands.”

Ba Fenghan said, “If the one you are going to see tonight is Bi Xuan, I’m not worried about you instead, do you understand what I mean?”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “Of course I understand. Fortunately, not only Shigong is a man of great wisdom and knowledge [Buddhism concept], but heavy in emotion even more. I am certain that I can come back safely without destroying the major affair. Frankly speaking, no matter how things develop, the honor and disgrace of the Central Earth occupies the top place. Ziling, what do you say?”

Xu Ziling was silent for half a day, then spoke in a heavy voice, “Move with love, and do your best.”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “I am leaving!”

Slapping Li Shimin on the shoulder vigorously, he walked toward the four Dark Armored Warriors carrying the lantern, who had been waiting respectfully on the side, to lead the way toward the south main gate of Yeting Palace.

Watching his figure disappearing in the distance, Li Shimin said, “The part that Ziling and Xibai are responsible for is the most difficult and heavy, you must be careful.”

Hou Xibai spoke cheerfully, “Qin Wang need not discuss Ziling and I, two separate things together, I am merely holding on the thoroughbred horse’s tail. I have more confidence in Ziling than in anybody else.”

Ba Fenghan spoke heavily, “Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are both men who, time and again can turn the impossible into the possible. But this time the matter is very important, I decided to participate in Ziling’s mission instead, to fight side by side with Ziling and Xibai.”

Greatly astonished, the three looked at him.

Since the most likely place to meet Bi Xuan tomorrow would be at the Xuanwu Gate rather than at any other place, in order to fulfill Ba Fenghan’s cherished desire to stake everything against Bi Xuan, Kou Zhong arranged for Ba Fenghan to accompany him to enter the palace through the Xuanwu Gate tomorrow, however, if Ba Fenghan turned to work with Xu Ziling, there was a great chance that he missed the opportunity to confront Bi Xuan. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Ba Fenghan smiled and said, “No one should doubt that I’m timid as the battle draws near, right? I’m not giving up the golden opportunity bestowed by heaven for a decisive battle against Bi Xuan, rather, I want to ensure that Ziling can control the Taiji Palace one step ahead, if this situation can be solved before the battle of the Xuanwu Gate, I will still have the chance to decide relative superiority with Bi Xuan.”

Revealing a thoughtful look, Li Shimin nodded and said, “The alliance ceremony is going to be held in the middle of the chen hour [7-9am], Shaoshuai and I can delay our entrance into the Xuanwu Gate until the second quarter of the chen hour. Everyday, Fuhuang gets out of bed in the middle of the mao hour [5-7am], and went to the imperial study room at the seventh quarter of the mao hour. You still have three quarters of an hour time.”

Xu Ziling said, “We will make good use of this precious time.”

At this time, Li Jing came to report, “The carriage is ready, Ziling and Xibai can set off.”

Li Shimin grabbed Xu Ziling’s both hands, he spoke heavily, “I entrust everything to you!”

Unbounded emotional stirring welled up in Xu Ziling’s heart. Li Shimin was loyal to Li Yuan, and this moment he was going to oppose to Li Yuan, it was a long and painful process. By the time he left the Yeting Palace under Li Jing’s protection, the battle of tomorrow has become an arrow leaving the bowstring, even Li Shimin would not be able to make any changes. Everything could only develop in a single direction: to be called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated. Li Shimin’s words ‘I entrust everything to you’ were sincere, not only he was telling him to be careful, but also hoping that he would not harm Li Yuan. He smiled and said, “Shimin Xiong, don’t worry, Xu Ziling will definitely live up to your great expectations.”

The four Dark Armored warriors, two at the front, two behind, walked in uniform steps, carrying the lanterns, illuminating Kou Zhong at the core of the halo, entering the traversing square.

Kou Zhong felt that every step he took brought him closer to Fu Cailin, one of the three great grandmasters of martial arts in the world, and even closer to the moment of confronting the Yijian Technique.

Although he spoke lightly, his purpose was to comfort Xu Ziling, to ease his worries. But he was actually well aware about Fu Cailin’s determination to kill him, if he was no match for him, he would definitely nurse a grievance in the Ling Yan Pavilion.

Fu Cailin’s thoughts were unique, once his beliefs were formed, he definitely would not change it because of any human affairs, hence the reason Fu Junyu’s earnest and well-meaning advice urging them to leave. Fu Cailin did not trust Han people at all, and because of Yang Guang, Gaoli people tied an unresolvable enmity against the Han people. In the past, Fu Cailin sent Fu Junchuo to the Central Earth, it was precisely to assassinate Yang Guang. All along, this was Fu Cailin’s policy and strategy to do everything to bring great chaos to the Central Earth. When Ge Suwen came to Fu Cailin asked to resign from his post and leave the city, Fu Cailin would know that tonight was the only chance to kill him. If he let it go easily, tomorrow would be a new situation! Therefore, this would be the last chance before he formed an alliance with Li Yuan, hence he was unwilling to postpone the appointment to tomorrow. The more Fu Cailin thought highly of Kou Zhong, the more intense was his intention to kill him. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

But Kou Zhong was not afraid at all. After the battle with Bi Xuan this morning, he finally understood Song Que’s confidence to win, which was the confidence that was able to withstand the test, that has been cultivated through countless fierce battles. Even against an opponent as strong as Fu Cailin, he still had full confidence in himself.

His heart and spirit entered the heaven, earth and man fused into one entity realm. Not only heaven and earth under his feet and over his head extended and expanded to infinity, time was also stretching forward. The imminent battle against Fu Cailin, and the fierce battle to decide to whom Chang’an would belong to tomorrow, as well as the upcoming battle against the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall’s large-scale invasion that ensued, all were within his grasp.

Other than abandoning the saber, there was nothing else. After obtaining the saber, forgetting the saber. After Song Que guiding him patiently and systematically, he clearly understood that under the Yijian Technique, he must fight back with all his strength, to display all his capability. Only then would he have a chance to be alive, to face the other two battles. It’s not that he did not think fondly of his Niang’s deep love, but it was the only way to achieve the outcome that would be profitable to both sides. Thinking to this point, his spirit was even more penetrating, and the knot in his heart was untied.

Upright and unafraid, Kou Zhong passed through the Chengtian Gate. All the imperial guards on duty at the gate raised their saber in salute, making Kou Zhong feel how the upcoming successive battles were pressing down on his eyebrows and eyelashes even more.

They barely entered the Taiji Palace, lantern lights appeared ahead, a team of more than a dozen imperial guards was coming directly at them.

Inside the carriage, Li Jing and Hou Xibai sat at the front row, Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan in the back, with Li Jing’s personal guards escorting them ahead and behind, the carriage galloped out of Yeting Palace’s west gate, turned into Anhua Street, and traveled slowly along the quiet, no-man-was-in-sight street.

They were not afraid that Jiancheng and Yuanji’s side would send men to watch and follow their track, because the other side definitely would not dare to take any drastic action tonight, so as not to beat the grass to scare the snake to alarm them. What’s more, the Heavenly Policy Mansion’s ministers and generals were coming in and out, even if someone was watching them in secret, they would be dazzled and unable to follow their track.

Xu Ziling closed his eyes, he focused his attention to sense the movement all around him. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Ba Fenghan’s voice sounded in his ear, “Kou Zhong is willing to do something for Song Yuzhi to make her forget all his faults in the past, it generates deep feeling in my heart, making me reflect on my own past. Now the barrier in my heart has disappeared, I enjoy the relaxed and joy that Kou Zhong experienced that day.”

Xu Ziling opened his eyes, just to see Hou Xibai looking back at Ba Fenghan’s handsome face brimming with happiness, only to hear Hou Xibai laughed and said to Ba Fenghan, “People are not plants and trees which can be unruffled by sentiment, Zaixia suddenly feel the distance between me and Fenghan has been pulled a lot closer, and that is a very comforting feeling.”

Perhaps Li Jing was thinking of Susu, he hung his head low, his expression wooden, he said nothing.

Xu Ziling grabbed Ba Fenghan’s shoulders, he smiled and said, “Xibai’s two sentences are thought-provoking, people are not plants and trees which can be unruffled by sentiment. Even greatly-wicked and greatly-evil people have their own natural instinct, much less Ba Fenghan who is cold on the outside and hot in the inside. From this moment on, we throw out everything and join the battle of Chang’an.”

Turning to Li Jing, he asked, “Is Liu Hongji reliable?”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Li Jing said, “I don’t know him very well, but when Huangshang wanted to execute Liu Wenjing, Liu Hongji was one of the two great generals under Huangshang’s personal command who was willing to say good things for Liu Wenjing. The other was Li Xiaogong, the commander of the Imperial Guard who is close to Huangshang, Qin Wang’s clan [younger] brother.”

Hou Xibai joined in, “I once painted a portrait of Liu Hongji’s wife, I know him a bit more. This person believes in Confucius and Mencius, has few great aspirations, absolutely not a swaying-willow-tossed-about-by-the-wind person.”

Xu Ziling breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s it!” he said, “Xibai must try to go to see him immediately, the most important thing is not to attract attention. He can mend the split seam of the Duke Yang’s Treasure-house. If he guards the exit, Lin Shihong’s men come out one he kills one, they come out a pair he kills a pair, it could save us a lot of work.”

Li Jing’s spirit greatly aroused, he said, “I can make the arrangement for Xibai to meet him.”

Ba Fenghan said, “Not to trouble Li Jiangjun is still the best policy, Xibai has a lot of connections in Chang’an, this is merely a trivial matter for him.”

Hou Xibai spoke cheerfully, “I could just wake up a friend. Xiaodi is leaving!”

Xu Ziling grabbed and pulled him back, he closed his eyes and listened quietly, Ba Fenghan took a peek out through the curtain, when the carriage drove through a side lane, Ba Fenghan said, “Go!”

However, Xu Ziling did not let go of Hou Xibai. Li Jing, who had pushed open the carriage door a little to let Hou Xibai dodged out, said in astonishment, “Ziling?”

Xu Ziling’s pair of eyes suddenly opened, flashing a strange light of benevolence and wisdom, he said, “Perhaps there is a more brilliant way, let’s find Ma Chang first.”

The carriage door was closed, the carriage continued to travel forward, as if nothing had happened, but the four men inside the carriage knew clearly that the curtain to the Battle of Chang’an had been raised. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

The high-ranking military officer leading the incoming team had an imposing appearance, young, handsome and grand. He stopped about a zhang in front of Kou Zhong, saluted, and said, “Mojiang commander of the forward imperial guards, Li Xiaogong received notification from Qin Wang that Shaoshuai is coming to see Fu Dashi, I am here by Huangshang’s order specifically to welcome the guest.”

Kou Zhong shivered inwardly, what was Li Yuan plotting? Unexpectedly he sent the chief of the imperial guards close to him to ‘welcome’ him, Kou Zhong, instead of Wei Gonggong.

Of course, on the surface, he heaped on a smiling expression and said, “I’m just going to reminisce with Shigong, Huangshang is too polite!” While speaking, he did not stop walking.

Li Xiaogong gave the order, more than a dozen imperial guards turned around and led the way, while he silently followed on Kou Zhong’s left and slightly behind.

When they arrived at the entrance of the Ling Yan Pavilion’s courtyard gate, Kou Zhong halted his steps and said, “Li Daren, no need to wait, because I don’t even know how long will it be.”

Li Xiaogong made a military hand signal to order his men to stay here, while saying to Kou Zhong, “Please allow Mojiang to see Shaoshuai off a bit more, until the Xingmu [Apricot Wood] Bridge.”

Kou Zhong’s heart was moved, he nodded and said, “Li Daren is too polite!”

He moved forward and entered the gate.

Li Xiaogong chased by his side. When they were far away from the courtyard gate and the Xingmu Bridge was in sight, he suddenly sighed.

Astonished, Kou Zhong looked at him, Li Xiaogong also looked at him and spoke heavily, “Shaoshuai, please leave Chang’an immediately.”

Greatly astonished, Kou Zhong said, “What does Li Daren mean?”

Li Xiaogong’s pair of eyes shot a complicated expression, he sighed again and said, “You guys absolutely have no chance. Ay! Huai’an Wangshu [uncle king] has hinted to me many times, hence I have a bit of general idea.”

Kou Zhong stood at the bridgehead, his thoughts turned at the speed of light in his heart. These words were definitely not what Li Yuan taught him to say, rather, it came from Li Xiaogong’s true heart. Merely by doing this, he has already committed the great crime of deceiving the lord punishable by beheading. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Li Xiaogong stood facing him, the divine light in his pair of eyes flaring greatly, he said, “Qin Wang is the person that I, Li Xiaogong have always respected, Shaoshuai is the good man that I admire the most even more. It’s a pity that Huangshang falsely believed slanderous report, and now the only way to resolve it is for Shaoshuai to immediately lead the crowd out of the city, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Kou Zhong spoke heavily, “I want to ask Li Daren a question first, in Chang’an city, who is most qualified to inherit the throne? Who is most capable of repelling the coalition forces from outside the Great Wall? Who has the most heart and the most strength to seek happiness and peace for the common people after the Central Earth is unified?”

Li Xiaogong dejectedly said, “In all things pertaining to the pros and cons, these are all superfluous words, but if Shaoshuai is willing to leave, the crisis will surely be resolved. Shaoshuai, please think thrice.”

Kou Zhong spoke indifferently, “Li Daren, have you ever thought about the consequences of my leaving? The world will be in all split up and in pieces situation. When the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall push down to the south, the Central Earth will never have peace. Li Daren

may not know it, but if the world is unified, the one sitting on the throne will definitely not be me, Kou Zhong. What I said, it’s never does not count.”

Li Xiaogong revealed a shocked expression, but then he shook his head and said, “Our Li family’s affairs can only be resolved by the Li family. Shaoshuai flagrantly get involved will only bring about an unexpected big disaster. I would rather decide victory or defeat using clear saber, clear spear on the battlefield against Shaoshuai, but I don’t want to see Shaoshuai and Qin Wang striking a stone with an egg.”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “I wonder if Li Daren know that Qi Wang had just met with Lin Shihong, who had entered Chang’an in secret earlier?”

Li Xiaogong’s countenance changed, he said, “That can’t be happening, can it?”

Kou Zhong spoke solemnly, “If there is a single word of falsehood, let the heaven punishes me, the earth destroys me! I have seen it with my own eyes, the person threading the needle was that traitor Yang WenGan. Therefore, even if Qin Wang and I lose our lives together in the morning, your Li family would still be unable to avoid the split-up situation. The master of the Li Family being deceived, while Taizi, Qi Wang in collusion with the Tujue and Lin Shihong, respectively, the only person in Chang’an who could convince the public is Li Shimin, one person. Only he can bring order out of chaos, I will exhaust my strength to help him beating back the allied armies from outside the Great Wall, I will even present the world with both hands to him. I, Kou Zhong, am not doing this for the Li Family or the Song Family, but for the innocent people all over the world who have suffered hardship for many years. The virtuous cause before our eyes, Li Daren ought to know what to choose.”

Li Xiaogong showed a shocked expression, he said, “Shaoshuai knows that there will be danger tomorrow morning?” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Kou Zhong laughed calmly and said, “If I was that ignorant, I, Kou Zhong would have died many times earlier. Li Daren thought we were being slaughtered, but the fact is that the initiative is completely in our hands. Since Bi Xuan failed to kill me, all his pawns pretended to be leaving, I knew that Huangshang has completely thrown himself on Taizi’s side and let Taizi act wantonly. His granny’s! Does your Huangshang think that I, Kou Zhong am the meaty flesh from the underbelly of the carp? Am I that easy to be put into his mouth? When I came to Chang’an, I did have the sincerity to form an alliance with him to fight foreign aggression, only the collaborator must be Li Shimin. But you can see how Taizi framed Qin Wang. Huangshang is even more generous to this but unkind to that. Now, because he knows that Song Que is injured, even Laozi, me, he wants to get rid of. His Niang’s! Li Shimin plus Kou Zhong, how could we be easy to push around? Only we can bring about long-term peace and stability, only we have the ability to strike and defeat the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall. Taizi cannot, Qi Wang cannot, and neither can your Huangshang. Your respected Qin Wang is the only choice before your eyes.”

Li Xiaogong stared at him blankly. It was quite half a day later that he said, “Shaoshuai knows the most dangerous place in the imperial palace tomorrow morning?”

Kou Zhong secretly breathed out a sigh of relief, just by listening to this warning, he knew that Li Xiaogong had at least half of his foot stepping on their side, he smiled and said, “Of course the Xuanwu Gate, Li Daren, don’t worry, I have fought battles where I have the confidence, but I have also fought battles where I was completely without any confidence, yet until today I am still alive like lively dragon and animated tiger. Toward Li Daren, I am completely without any demand, I only hope that in urgent and important moment, Li Daren will give thought to the world, will make the most sensible and most correct choice. This way, it will be for the fortune of all the people.”

And then he lowered his voice and said, “If Li Daren can’t trust me, you ought to trust Huai’an Wang, Qin Wang, or even Xiuning Gongzhu. The people we want to put in order is not your Huangshang at all, but all the traitors who collude with the Tujue and the demonic school and betray the Li Family. Since Huangshang has been deceived, naturally it is up to the scholars and warriors of your Li Family who have the aspiration to bring order out of chaos. If we obtain Li Daren’s helping arm, tomorrow’s events will turn misfortune into blessing, the turmoil, as well as the injuries and deaths will be pushed down to the lowest point, in the blink of an eye, the sky clears after the rain. Afterwards, under the banner of the Li Family, the Li Family, the Song Family, the Shao Shuai and the Jianghuai Armies, four powerhouses will unite to defend against foreign enemies together. That will be such a bright future.”

Fully aware that Li Xiaogong was loyal to his family, Kou Zhong could move Li Xiaogong’s heart more with the honor and disgrace of the family than by laying out any pros and cons. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Li Xiaogong’s face alternated between gloomy and clear indeterminately, he spoke heavily, “How can I help? How are you going to deal with Tang Jian’s army?”

Kou Zhong patted him on the shoulder, he said, “You don’t have to worry about anything, you just need to grasp the direction you yourself should take. As for other things, you will see the result in the morning.”

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