Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 36 1: Unexpected Changes

Pulling his knees into his chest and propping himself with his right hand, Kou Zhong, while panting for breath, said, “Tonight we had total bad luck; I thought that kid Ke Dazhi was just talking big. If we don’t keep the appointment than we are worse than a dog or a pig! Ay! Becoming a dog or a pig is a small matter; I just hope for that Yun LaoGe, the Heaven helps the worthy, and he was able to successfully escape!”

Their original plan was to have Yun Shuai disguised as Lei Jiuzhi, and relied on the Demonic Emperor Relics to control the initiative in dealing with Zhao Deyan and Xiang Yushan.

Now that Yun Shuai’s good or bad luck was unknown, it would be difficult to proceed with the plan.

If they had one of Gao Zhandao and the others pretend to be Lei Jiuzhi, they would only put him in the harm’s way. If Hou Xibai was still around, then he would be another suitable candidate.

“How are we going to handle Xiedi Sheli then?” Xu Ziling asked.

“We have two options,” Kou Zhong replied, “One, we leave the Relics in its original place; two, you, Ling Shao, take it to Shi Feixuan, do her a favor at little cost.”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “Do you think Shi Feixuan can be bribed? After taking the gift she would let you, this fierce tiger to return to the mountain to stir up havoc?”

“I was not thinking about that,” Kou Zhong replied, “I was just afraid that it would be difficult for you to explain it to Xianzi [fairy].”

Xu Ziling spoke flatly, “There is no more intertwined sentiment between Shi Feixuan and me. Your two options are not the best policy. Only by letting various factions of the demonic schools fighting each other over the Relics so that they won’t have time to care about us will we have the chance to leave safely.”

Kou Zhong nodded, “That is right!” he said, “Such a one-in-a-thousand-years chance of having Zhao Deyan, Zhu Yuyan and Shi Zhixuan fighting until you die, I live, if we let it slip, it is indeed a pity. Ling Shao, do you think we still need to keep the appointment as scheduled?”

“Absolutely,” Xu Ziling replied, “There’s no Lei Jiuzhi then there is no Lei Jiuzhi. At that time we will change according to the situation. As long as the Relics is in our hands, then we could show it off to them.”

Kou Zhong sprang up and said, “There’s not much time. Let’s check on Gao Zhandao and the others’ progress first.”

Back into the storehouse, Gao Zhandao and the others were concentrated on the secret passage leading out of the city; they were so busy until the sky darkened the earth turned hazy, but the major operation of transporting the treasure was nearing completion.

Gao Zhandao excitedly explained to the two boys the plan that they came up with after careful deliberations: for the time being, not a single item of weaponry would be carried out, but not even half of an item of the large quantity of other stuffs – mostly gold, would be left.

Gao Zhandao said, “The exit outside the city is ingeniously concealed. We hide the treasures there, and transport them in batches one by one. All brothers will be divided into three groups, each group operates independently, they do not know the other groups’ method and route in transporting the goods. This way, even if there really is a mole among us, we can reduce the loss to a minimum. But I and Fengyi and the others agreed that among the brotherhood, there is little chance of treason.”

“How are you going to transport them?” Kou Zhong asked.

Gao Zhandao cheerfully said, “Over the years, we have experimented with all kinds of methods in smuggling goods, so we picked the one that is the safest; we will deliver the goods via water and land to Pengliang. As soon as Jingzhao Lian rises up in rebellion and fails, Guanzhong is bound to be in a great mess, then we’ll have an opportunity that we can exploit. On top of that, two Ye’er are diverting the opposite side’s attention away, so our chance of success is very high; at least we will be able to transport most of the treasure away.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “Our chance of success is indeed very high, because right now everybody believes that we entered the treasure mountain and came back empty-handed; therefore, their attention is shifted onto our, two men’s next operation.”

He casually mentioned to Gao Zhandao about the ‘storehouse within a storehouse’.

Greatly delighted, Gao Zhandao said, “That is even more surefire; we are most afraid of Jingzhao Lian people. Not only they have enormous power in Guanzhong, they also have connection with gangs and societies inside and outside the Pass, they are also very familiar with our Tong Xing She, so any movement on our side will be very difficult to concealed from their eyes and ears. Fortunately they have this mistake, plus they are too busy to pay attention, hence we won’t have to worry about them.”

Kou Zhong said, “The situation is still not highly optimistic. Li Shimin appointed Pang Yu and Li Shiji, two men with specific mission to deal with us. They will certainly mobilize local gangs and societies in every possible way to watch our each and every move. Once they see something unusual, perhaps we can’t even keep the real treasure house a secret anymore.”

Having a card up his sleeve, Gao Zhandao said, “When we were planning the smuggling operation, we already considered that kind of situation. At that time we were still thinking of transporting large quantities of weapons, and not the easier-to-hide gold and precious stones. Unless Laotianye deliberately set himself against us, it should be no problem.”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “Since Zhandao is so confident, I’ll leave everything to you.”

After Gao Zhandao left, Kou Zhong asked, “Ling Shao, what do you think?”

Xu Ziling replied, “We cannot not guard against people having a change of heart. Zhandao wants to transport all the stuffs at once, this is a sensible act.”

Kou Zhong nodded his agreement. Although those who knew the secret of the real treasure house were only about a dozen loyal and devoted brothers, but the power of temptation of the treasure was really too strong; who would dare to guarantee that someday in the future no one would secretly sneak back in privately to lead away a goat in passing [idiom: to steal something under cover of an emergency]? If he managed to take away just half a box of gold, it would be more than enough to last a lifetime.

As for the weapons being left in the storehouse, unless one was raising an army in rebellion to conquer the world, selling one or two items would not yield too much money, selling in batches was no more than a fantasy story, taking the remainders out of the treasure house was not an easy matter either.

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “Don’t worry! Just by looking at how Zhandao and the others managed Tong Xing She successfully [orig. having sound and color (idiom)] so that in just a short period of two years they become the leaders of Guanzhong waterborne transport business, we should know that they are outstanding figures. And the most important part is that Pang Yu will not dare to publicize his investigation on our relationship with Tong Xing She, to avoid alerting Jingzhao Lian, or even Jiancheng, Yuanji’s men, and therefore unable to engage all local gangs and societies to participate in this operation. The threat is still limited.”

Kou Zhong happily said, “After listening to Ling Shao’s analysis, I also feel that our chance of success is indeed very high. Ha! In your opinion, would Ning Daoqi make his appearance tonight?”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “Since Shi Feixuan misunderstood that I deceived her, she can’t possibly disturb him, the Senior.”

Kou Zhong said, “Isn’t she going to ask Ning Daoqi to deal with me? Tonight will be the best chance; if they let us, these two escaping-experts, to leave Chang’an, to find us again is not going to be easy at all.”

Xu Ziling replied, “On that, I am afraid you will have to ask Shi Feixuan or Pang Yu.”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “I really wish that when Shi Feixuan discovers that the Relics is the genuine Relics, I can see her expression. Our Ling Shao is a real man who is able to support both heaven and earth [idiom: of indomitable spirit], how could he lie to deceive a …! Hey … a fairy.”

Xu Ziling knew that he was going to say ‘a woman that he loves dearly’, or something like that, only he changed his tune at the last moment. Displeased, he said, “It’s almost time, let’s get the Sheli first and talk later!”

Compared to the previous two nights of the Beginning of Spring festivities, the City of Chang’an tonight was bustling with different noise and excitement.

The water gates leading out of the city on both ends of the Yong An Canal were closed, on both banks of the Canal lanterns and torches illuminating the sky, so that the swimming fish in the water were clearly visible. The snowflakes falling down from the sky reflecting the brilliant rays of the torch and the wind lanterns; although it could not compare to the rich and diverse, colorful fireworks, but the brilliance and the scale of the light were comparable to the fireworks, which diminished as they flew far away from the eyes.

Both sides of the Canal were full of Li Yuanji’s and Chang Lin Army men. Li Jiancheng has been alerted and thus he came to preside over the search operation. The least willing to participate was Ke Dazhi; but he had no choice but to stay by Li Jiancheng’s side. He was worried that the two boys were trapped in the river and could not keep the appointment.

Several members of the Chang Lin Army donned their wetsuits and went underwater to comb each of the river channel. All the other boats moored at the banks were driven away that none narrowly and luckily escaped.

Because Li Yuanji was convinced that the two boys had not left the Yong An Canal, the search operation was meticulous and thorough; they blockaded the streets and alleys in the neighboring area, and set up archers on the roof all around.

The Tang Army’s attention in the city was focused on the big canal connecting the north and the south, so it was actually giving Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who secretly came back into the city from the secret passage – a convenience.

The gods did not know, the ghosts did not perceive, they climbed onto the roof of a grand residence, which probably belonged to some high official or noble people, near the rear courtyard of the Foreign Guesthouse, and peeked across the yard to see if there was any movement all around outside the Foreign Guesthouse.

Kou Zhong put the copper jar containing the Demonic Emperor Relics down on the back of the roof, and spoke in low voice, “This thing is really evil. Carrying it in my arm, from time to time I got a heart-alarmed, body-leaping feeling.”

Xu Ziling was gazing into the distance with full attention, he said, “If I am not mistaken, Zhu Yaofu and Wan Yaonu must be hiding nearby, trying to intercept us before we enter the Foreign Guesthouse.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Perhaps they think that the Relics is not in our hands, or perhaps we are still trapped at the bottom of the river. Even without these errors in judgment, at least they would think that we took great trouble in carrying Lei LaoGe here, so that they are making calculation and deployment errors.”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “In our treasure hunt this time, we are occupying the advantageous position due to a freak combination of factors [orig. an accident arising from many causes (idiom)]. Let’s go!”

The two boys soared and shot down like a shooting star toward the street. With several ups and downs they reached the outside wall of the Foreign Guesthouse rear courtyard, and then without pausing at all they made a somersault and landed safely in the courtyard.

Zhao Deyan’s long laughter was heard, followed by his figure appearing on the steps outside the door of the small two-story building. Raising his cupped fist in salute, he said, “Two gentlemen are indeed trustworthy people, whom Ol’ Zhao extremely admires. Only I wonder where Lei Xiansheng’s honored-self is?”

Kou Zhong put the copper jar in front of his feet; folding his arms, he spoke leisurely, “Let’s talk about that later. I wonder if Guoshi [teacher of the state] could invite the expert who is able to resolve the cruel punishment ‘Seven Needles to Control the Mind’ out to pacify our hearts?”

There was not the least bit of light in the entire Foreign Guesthouse. The total darkness plus the continuously falling snowflakes increased the somber, desolate-and-cold, danger-lurking-on-every-side feeling.

Sizing Xu Ziling up and down, Zhao Deyan calmly and unhurriedly said, “That’s not a problem. As soon as we verify the authenticity of the Relics, I will ask him to come out to see you.”

From behind, Kang Qiaoli’s voice came out, “Sheng Sheli must be fake; otherwise, there is no need to hide it inside a copper can, plus you don’t bring Lei Jiuzhi here.”

Without even looking back, Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “Whether it is genuine or fake, we can prove it immediately. Problem is, you guys have no sincerity at all; otherwise, we only ask to see the person and you push-three-and-ward-off-four [must be an idiom, but I guess the meaning is clear]?”

Zhao Deyan sneered hoarsely and said, “When I, Zhao Deyan, crisscrossed the land under heaven, you guys have not been reincarnated yet, and now you have the impertinence to come to swindle me? This time I’ll make you able to come, unable to leave.”

He had not finished speaking, from behind, as well as from the small building, more than a dozen Tujue martial art masters swarmed out and heavily besieged the two boys.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, however, were still calm and at ease, without the slightest intention to escape, so that Zhao Deyan was greatly puzzled, with a faint feeling in his heart that the one occupying the upper hand was actually the other side.

Zhao Deyan loftily said, “To avoid outsiders’ gossip, Ol’ Zhao can give you guys a fair duel opportunity, nobody else is allowed to interfere. Which one of you want to accompany Zhao Deyan playing a round?”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling cried ‘Formidable!’ inwardly; it could be said that Zhao Deyan’s move this time removed the silliness and retained the exquisiteness. Not only it showed his confidence and his bearing in defeating either one of the boys, its greatest purpose was to prevent the two boys from breaking out the siege and escaping.

And escaping was precisely the two boys’ special skill.

Laughing involuntarily, Kou Zhong said, “The reason we came today is not to decide life and death, victory and defeat, with Yan Shuai, you, the Senior. Could it be that you lack even the time or the patience to verify whether the Sheli is genuine or fake?”

From behind, Kang Qiaoli laughed and said, “After taking care of you, even if the copper jar is dissolving into a copper ball, there will be ample time for that later; why should we be eager to determine the Sheli’s authenticity? Shaoshuai’s remark is indeed ridiculous.”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “Kang Xiong seems to forget that I still know a bit of Kungfu; I only need to step on it, I guarantee that the Sheli inside the jar will be shaken with torn body and crushed bones. If you don’t believe me, just make your move!”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “I told you that they can’t possibly have the good faith to make the business transaction, but you did not believe me. Come on then! Let’s get rid of the Sheli – once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved; and then we’ll see whether we could break through the siege or not.”

Zhao Deyan raised his hand and said, “Hold on! If you can prove that inside the jar is the real Sheng Sheli, everything will still proceed according to our original agreement; Ol’ Zhao will definitely not eat my words.”

“That’s easy,” Kou Zhong replied.

With one hand Xu Ziling lifted the copper jar from the ground. Kou Zhong grabbed the lid with both hands and exerted his strength to twist it open. ‘Click!’ the lid was unlocked.

Actually, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were also nervous, because all along they did not dare to open the lid to inspect the goods; furthermore, they had not understood the mystery of the object inside the jar.

Zhao Deyan was worthy to be called an old fox; his attention was not on the copper jar at all, but on the two boys’ expression and movement.

The group of Tujue martial art masters elevated their vigilance to the highest level, they tightened their formation while waiting silently.

The courtyard was quiet without any noise, except for the endless snowflakes that fell from the sky, and the occasional burst of noises of people and the flowing water from the Yong An Canal in the distance.

Kou Zhong revealed a brilliant smile. He removed the lid completely, the two boys looked inside together, both showed astonished look, and then you look at me I look at you.

Zhao Deyan revealed a hint of warm smile, with a hint of ridicule hidden in it. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged a glance; they both felt something was not quite right, but momentarily were unable to pinpoint what the problem was.

Completely beyond the two boys’ expectation, Zhao Deyan suddenly shouted, “Go!”

Two pieces of darkish green-black steel with a long tail shot out of Zhao Deyan’s left and right sleeves like a pair of vipers; their head was pointy awl in the shape of water caltrop, as fast as shooting star, flying straight toward the two boys, sneaky and sinister to the extreme point.

For some time in the past, this pair of strange school’s weapons’ name was feared among the demonic school of the two regions. It was called ‘A Hundred Changes Water Caltrop Spear’; it could be flexible, it could be stiff, the changes were endless, with ghosts-and-deities-cannot-fathom variations. It was the weapon with which Zhao Deyan made his name. Not only it was not afraid of divine arms and sharp weapons’ chop and slice, it was also the nemesis of saber and sword. When someone was entangled by him using his special technique, it was practically impossible for that person to escape the clutch of the bad luck.

The most formidable aspect of Zhao Deyan’s attack was that it was launched when the two boys absolutely did not think that he would make his move, and thus he grabbed the advantage of the initiative of making the first move.

While the water caltrop spear was shooting at the speed of lightning toward the two boys’ face, from all around the Tujue people plus Kang Qiaoli also swarmed in violently, as if they wanted to chop the two boys in pieces.

Without even thinking Kou Zhong flung the lid in his hand, the steel [sic; I think it should be copper?] lid spun rapidly like a flying disc to cut Zhao Deyan’s throat. ‘Qiang!’ at the same time the Moon in the Well left its scabbard.

Zhao Deyan put his hands together, the water caltrop spear intersected, it accurately blocked the flying disc.

“Watch me!” Xu Ziling thundered. Both hands shook, unexpectedly millions of sliver dots radiated all around from inside the jar to attack the more than thirty enemies.

How could Kang Qiaoli and the other ever guess that Xu Ziling would launch this move? Moreover, they did not know what kind of magic weapon these silver dots were. Therefore, they scattered back; retreating even farther away than their original position when they were standing just now.

Enraged, Kou Zhong was about to brandish his saber toward Zhao Deyan to determine which one had real skill.

Zhao Deyan was looking at the silvery dots on the ground, some still maintained their original liquid drop shape, rolling and scattering around the snowy ground. “Stop!” he suddenly shouted. The water caltrop spear returned inside his sleeve.

Holding the saber across his chest, Kou Zhong stood by Xu Ziling’s side, awe-inspiring like a deity. Furious, he said, “Stop your mother’s hands! Tonight, not only you are not going to get the Xiedi Sheli, I will also take your dog life, so that you will never return to Tujue to become the pain-in-the-butt Teacher of the State.”

Xu Ziling stood still, carrying the copper jar in his right arm. His demeanor was calm, as if he did not care the slightest about the ring of powerful enemies surrounding them.

Listening to Kou Zhong’s harsh scolding, Zhao Deyan’s eyes flared with vicious, cruel look. Nodding his head, he said, “I will remember your, Kou Zhong’s every single word. But if you still want to break the ‘Seven Needles to Control the Mind’ that hit Lei Jiuzhi, you must listen to Ol’ Zhao.”

Throwing his head back, Kou Zhong laughed and said, “What else is there to say? You have shown clearly that you don’t keep your promise; you want to take our lives, as well as rob the Sheli.”

Zhao Deyan nodded and said, “This is just a misunderstanding; because Ol’ Zhao thought that two gentlemen were playing cheap trick to swindle me with fake article, hence the offense just now.”

Frowning, Kou Zhong said, “Then how did it suddenly become a misunderstanding?”

Pointing to the silver beads on the ground, Zhao Deyan spoke in heavy voice, “Because the jar is filled with mercury. Only mercury can cover up the Sheng Sheli’s holy light and its spiritual influence. Only by looking at this point, I have no doubt that immersed in the mercury inside the jar must be the real Sheng Sheli. It is really unexpected; where on earth did you find it?”

As if agreeing by chance, the two boys looked into the jar. All they could see was still mercury. With no lantern no fire, it simply looked black.

“Less nonsense,” Kou Zhong said, “Now since you know that the Sheng Sheli is in our hands, let’s talk about a single business transaction.”

From behind, Kang Qiaoli shouted, “Didn’t we agree on the transaction early on? You give us the Sheli, we resolve Lei Jiuzhi’s capital punishment.”

Kou Zhong laughed complacently and said, “Your so-called the ‘Seven Needles to Control the Mind’ is just a plaything to swindle a three-year-old kid; Laozi randomly found someone on the street and it was readily resolved. I want to talk about a different business transaction; if you don’t agree, I will immediately destroy the Sheli, and then we’ll fight to decide life and death.”

Slightly startled, Zhao Deyan knitted his brows and said, “Whatever new proposal Shaoshuai has, you might as well say it, Ol’ Zhao is listening with respectful attention.”

Kou Zhong spoke heavily, “Very simple. You immediately hand over Xiang Yushan, that little thief, and this Sheli will be yours.”

Zhao Deyan was stunned. Suppressing a happy laugh, he said, “I thought it was something serious. Why didn’t Shaoshuai say so earlier? It’s a deal. Would Shaoshuai please take the Sheng Sheli out to show that there is indeed a Sheng Sheli inside the mercury first, we will immediately hand the person over.”

And then he shouted loudly, “Yushan, you get the hell out of here.”

A burst of the noise of clashing weapons came from inside the building. Less than half a day later, the originally green-faced, white-lipped Xiang Yushan, held by two big Tujue men, came out and stood by Zhao Deyan’s side.

This time it was Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling’s turn to be stunned. Not because Zhao Deyan was so completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice toward Xiang Yushan, but because Xiang Yushan was a key figure in the major conspiracy to restore the old dynasty. How could Zhao Deyan sacrifice him so casually like this? Wouldn’t it mean the traitorous scheme fail within sight of success?

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling felt something was greatly amiss; it just that regretfully, just like a moment ago, they could not pinpoint the problem.

Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan Facts and Figures

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